Happy Birthday, Weblink!

Cheers to your 25 years!

25 like…SUPER MARIO!

Super Mario was born 25 years ago.

Feels like yesterday, doesn’t it?
We can hardly believe it ourselves… That same year, Weblink was founded.

These have been 25 years of growth, great achievements, and milestones:

Super Mario was hailed by fans and critics as one of the best video games of all time.

And just recently, one of the e-commerce platforms we developed was ranked among the top 20 in Italy!

...come Super Mario

25 like…SPACE JAM!

A basketball court, Michael Jordan, and the Looney Tunes… Space Jam needs no introduction; we’ve all seen it.

Did you know it turns 25 this year?

In 1996, while the Tune Squad was battling the Monstars, we had just started our game…

The Tune Squad claimed their victory, and we’re still in the game, facing new challenges in the digital world every day.

...come Space Jam

25 like…SCREAM!

In 1996, the year of its theatrical release, Scream broke box office records, and Ghostface’s mask became an iconic symbol of horror movies.

We’ve come a long way since ’96 too… Sure, we don’t scare anyone, but we certainly have a big impact: our clients generate over 200 million euros annually thanks to our e-commerce platforms.

25 anni come...

25 like…LA MACARENA!

At clubs, birthdays, weddings… How many times have we danced to this song?

For us, these have been 25 years of ‘dancing’ too. We’ve kept in step with e-commerce, apps, websites, social media, and so much more!

What are you waiting for? Join us on the dance floor!

...come macarena

25 like…The STARTAC!

Remember it?
It was 1996 when Motorola launched the first flip phone: an innovative design that was a massive success. Even today, it’s sought after by collectors.

For 25 years, we’ve believed that innovation is the key to success for any business.

We were among the first to create websites in Italy, and we continue to help companies in every sector grow and digitalize.

...come primi telefoni cellulari

25 like…POKÉMON!

Ash Ketchum is a boy from Pallet Town with a dream of becoming the world’s greatest Pokémon trainer…

Weblink is a small web agency from Varese with a dream of growing and helping its clients enter the digital world…

25 years ago, both stories began like this. Two protagonists in two parallel worlds, achieving their goals through determination and willpower.

... come Pokemon


If you’d like, leave us a birthday message!